Schools in Bowie MD

For families looking for a city in Maryland in which to make their home, Bowie is without a doubt one of the strongest contenders. Well managed law enforcement and excellent social services mean that crime rate in Bowie is exceptionally low, setting Bowie apart as one of the safest cities in the country. The median income is high as well, and most neighborhoods are quiet and populated by warm, friendly residents. 

With all these things going for it, it’s no wonder so many people want to move here, especially families with children! However, if you are considering moving to Bowie, you may be wondering about one very important factor that will no doubt heavily impact your decision to move or not to move to Bowie MD. That factor is, of course, the school system!

So, if you’re wondering what the school’s in Bowie have to offer, look no further! In this article, we’ll go into detail on exactly how Bowie’s schools stack up with those across the nation, and which schools have the highest standardized test scores. Let’s get into it! 

What are Bowie’s top rated schools? 

Bowie has 12 schools throughout its various school districts, and there is a fair amount of variation in ratings from students and teachers as well as standardized test scores. These aren’t the only things one considers when choosing a school, of course, but they are the main factors. Other factors include class size, age of facilities and student satisfaction ratings. So what are Bowie’s best elementary, middle and high schools, according to these criteria? Let’s find out! 

Elementary Schools - Heather Hill Elementary

Elementary school is arguably one of the most important, if not the most important period in a child’s education. It is in elementary school that your inquisitive little scholar will learn to gain many of the traits and skills that will help them throughout the remainder of their academic career and whatever they choose to pursue afterward. So which of Bowie’s elementary schools has the best numbers?  

Of all the elementary schools in Bowie, the clear winner is Heather Hills Elementary School, which educates children in the first through sixth grades. If you have a child in one of these grades, getting them into this school should be your top priority. In 2019, Heather Hills Elementary School ranked higher than ninety-four percent of all elementary schools in Maryland, making it one of the top elementary schools in the state! 

Additionally, Heather Hills Elementary has an excellent student-to-teacher ratio, with only 16.4 students per teacher. This, of course, vastly improves student-teacher communication and contributes to improved grades and academic engagement. The only noticeable drawback to Heather Hills Elementary is the dated appearance of its campus, but when compared to all the other things this school has going for it,  this isn’t a huge issue. 

Middle Schools - Samuel Ogle Middle School

Middle school is the intermediate period of your child’s education. In that awkward, unsure time between elementary and high school, it’s crucial that they receive competent instruction from a knowing and steady hand. For many developing students, this period will make or break their academic career, as their outlook towards the education system solidifies in either a positive and ambitious goal-oriented approach or a more negative lackadaisical set of tendencies. So which school in Bowie will do the best to form these positive traits in your child? 

Looking at the statistics, one school emerges as the clear first choice. Students at the Samuel Ogle Middle School show excellent year-to-year academic improvement, and consistently score higher-than-average on standardized tests. For those with children in grades six through eight, you’ll want to make sure your child gets into this school. 

Another thing that sets Samuel Ogle Middle apart from the rest is its good student-to-teacher ratio, with one teacher for every seventeen students. This assures that your child will receive due attention and assistance with their studies, and will vastly improve their chances of emerging from Middle School with good grades. If you enroll your kids in the Samuel Ogle Middle School in Bowie MD, they’re sure to do just that!

High Schools - Bowie High School 

High School is often viewed with both fondness and distaste from former students, as the things a student experiences vary widely depending on a multitude of different factors. Whatever their high school experiences, no one can deny that HIgh School is one of the most formative periods in a young scholar’s life, and perhaps the most important. Now, you’re probably wondering which of these schools will do the best job of providing your young student(s) with good experiences that will nudge them towards a successful career. Let’s take a look at the best candidate! 

Bowie High School is one of only three high schools in the city of Bowie. Unfortunately, it has less-than-ideal statistics when it comes to most of the typical metrics used to judge a school. Both standardized test scores and average student-to-teacher ratio are suboptimal. A silver lining for this school, however, is its performance in sports. The Bowie Highschool Bulldogs, Bowie’s Highschool baseball team, have won the state championship multiple times, and many of its players have gone on to win college scholarships. 

Unfortunately, it’s stirling record in sports is not enough to justify its suboptimal academic performance as a school. If your child is high school-aged, you might want to check out some other places to live in Maryland that have better education opportunities for high schoolers.

Moving to Bowie 

All in all, Bowie MD has some excellent opportunities for parents to give their young ones a good education. If you’re looking for a city to put down roots, Bowie might just be the place for you. If this is true in your case, you’ll want to search among the finest realtors in Bowie MD to find the right professional help for you. Once you’ve found a real estate agent to work with, you’ll be well on your way to making your home in Bowie MD, one of the state’s best cities to raise a family in!